Linux is growing in the mission critical space. Here is one article that demonstrates that with a key focus on Linux in India:
Linux a BIG hit in India
Some Statistics cited in the article:
# Linux is expected to have a 15 per cent share of the ERP market by 2007 (Peerstone Research)
# 55 per cent of all companies deployed Linux by the end of 2005 (AMR Research)
# There are over 1.2 million developers with Linux skills (Evans Data Corp)
# IBM has more than 7000 services professionals working with Linux
# Robert Francis Group (IBM-sponsored research) found security levels in Linux generally exceeded those in Windows, providing a more secure and manageable environment out of the box with significantly more functionality in terms of security integration and management
# The Linux kernel programming code is better and more secure than the programming code of most proprietary software – based on a four-year analysis of the 5.7 million lines of Linux source code conducted by five Stanford University researchers