AMR Research Bullish on ERP Software Market

AMR Research Bullish on ERP Software Market

Published: July 23, 2007

by Alex Woodie

Worldwide ERP software sales grew by 14 percent in 2006 to $28.8 billion, according to a recent report from IT analyst firm AMR Research. While 2006 was “spectacular,” according to AMR, the good times should continue to roll for the next five years, with an average annual growth rate of 11 percent, a percentage point more than the group predicted nine months ago.

At least once a year, and sometimes more, AMR publishes a report analyzing the past, the present, and the future of the market for ERP and related software, and ranking the top enterprise software vendors by revenues. Because ERP and related products are at the core of most organizations’ IT investments, the relative health of the ERP market can function as a barometer for the overall business IT market.

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AMR Research: IT Executives Expect Double-Digit Increase on ERP in 2006

We knew it all along:

IT Executives Expect Double-Digit Increase on ERP in 2006

AMR Research: IT Executives Expect Double-Digit Increase on ERP in 2006